10 Weird Facts about Cats (Part 3)

Kill that black cat !
Gregory IX, the Pope from 1227 until 1241, believed that people were worshiping black cats as a representation of Satan. Therefore, he ordered to kill all black cats, causing huge massacres of cats all over Europe. These massacres fired back later in the 1340s, when rats that are infected with the Black Plague spread in Europe, causing this epidemic to widely spread without any protection by the cats that would have likely killed these sick rats and saved millions of lives.

Cat street accidents

Running over an animal while driving your car is a highly likely incident that you might face. It feels really bad, and you most probably will stop to try to help that poor animal, especially if it is a pet. Sadly, an enormous number of people are reported to continue on their way without stopping even after hitting people, and not only a pet. In the UK, for example, it is against the law not to report a car accident of hitting a dog or a farm animal, not reporting a car accident involving a cat in not against the law. I believe that law needs to be amended.

The Mafia cat

The Godfather is one of the greatest movie in history, and it won many Academy Awards. It even became the subject of many studies, especially the Mafia boss, Vito Corleone, the role played by the famous actor Marlon Brando. What is interesting about that Godfather is that despite his ruthless power and influence, he always showed deep tenderness to his pet cat. However, this cat was not planned to appear at the movie or be part of that epic. It was only a wandering cat in the set that Brando picked up and then the idea came and the cat became a movie star.

Cat, Horse, Dog - three animals that are loved by many people around the world. Cats are often known for their independent nature and their ability to groom themselves. They are also great hunters and are skilled at keeping mice and other pests at bay. Horses, on the other hand, are known for their strength and endurance. They have been domesticated for thousands of years and are often used for transportation, recreational riding, and even in competitions.